Category: D&D Story
Everyone has a starting point. Here was mine!
Years ago, when I first started playing Dungeons and Dragons out of my beginner kit, I made some pretty interesting game choices. I was just learning, figuring out how to play, and I wanted it to be enjoyable for my friends who I convinced to play with me. I only had what was provided in… Read more
For Better or Worse, We Create Together!
A story of how memories are made in Dungeons and Dragons. Let me preface with, I firmly believe that even though I am the Game Master and create the story and the world, that player should still have some say in how things should be in the world. So I tend to ask my players… Read more
For the love of Alan.
How my campaign came to have 46 Alans. In one of my campaigns that I was running, I had created a massive world. I had 15 MAJOR cities with easily over 50 fleshed-out and complete NPCs and 30+ little towns with similarly completed NPCs. I spent countless hours preparing these areas to give my players… Read more